It’s time for the partners of our Critical Care Nurses to take the spotlight

Our gratitude for our Critical Care Nurses during this time is something that’s been highlighted since this pandemic began: but what about their partners? We had a chat with medical professionals Vanessa and Ash Barnard to get their perspective. Vanessa is a Pediatric Nurse who’s been on maternity leave for the past few months and her husband, Ash is a Critical Care Nurse. The couple live in Melbourne

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How to ‘Share Gratitude’: a users guide.

“Share Gratitude is the first dedicated platform that provides an inclusive space for anyone, from anywhere, to express their gratitude in a matter of seconds. There is no registration or sign-in required; individuals can quickly and seamlessly send specific messages, track the impact of that message, and get meaningful feedback on the reach and impact their message

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The positive effects of gratitude on mental health

Mental Health is an important aspect of our wellbeing that is still fighting to gain the respect and focus that it deserves. With the implications of COVID19 having a direct impact on mental health due to financial stressors, disruption to social interactions and uncertainty in our futures, it’s a part of our lives that requires more

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The Incredible Work of Sri Lanka’s Women In Need Organisation

It can be easy to see a story on the news and feel helpless, not knowing what we could possibly do to assist those in need. But we can equally feel immense gratitude when we soon discover there are already people, communities and organisations doing amazing work to overcome these same issues. Since 1987 Women

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The Australian Helping Cambodian Families To Stay Together.

It’s the dream of many young people, to save up enough money to spend time overseas volunteering to help those most vulnerable. Fourteen years ago, Australian Tara Winkler did exactly that and spent time in Cambodia working at an Orphanage. But what she discovered was the current model of providing care for children wasn’t working.

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India’s Free Ambulance Service

It’s something we are taught from a very young age and is vital for every child to know; how to call an ambulance. It’s hard to imagine another time when so many people would have needed this vital service until the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Sadly, in many countries a trip to the hospital can be expensive,

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Can I help you?

So you want to help someone out? You seem like our kind of person! But, how should you go about it? Should you pop over to your neighbours house, knock on the door and ask them what you can do for them? Or take it upon yourself to complete a kind but unsolicited gesture, like mowing the lawn or baking them some muffins?   The concept

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Spider-Man jogger spreading smiles around Melbourne in lockdown

We’re all looking for something to bring a smile to our faces in lockdown and 36-year-old trainee psychologist Stuart Tyson is giving us just that. Having kept his identity under wraps for months, he eventually outed himself as the mystery jogger who could be seen getting his daily allotted hour of exercise around St Kilda dressed in

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I am grateful for… my body

We can be grateful for so many things, but we often forget to project that gratitude inward. We asked Melbourne Blogger Ellen Walker what gratitude means to her. This is her story of gratitude… for the body that takes her through life’s ups and downs.  This year hasn’t been easy on any of us, from

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Pets in the Park

It’s been a well-used phrase for centuries, a dog is a man’s best friend, and the world over people and animals share a special bond. For those experiencing homelessness, their pet can take on an even more important role, a companion by your side through thick and thin. But the cost associated with caring for

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