India’s Free Ambulance Service

It’s something we are taught from a very young age and is vital for every child to know; how to call an ambulance. It’s hard to imagine another time when so many people would have needed this vital service until the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Sadly, in many countries a trip to the hospital can be expensive, leaving countless people unable to pay the bill or simply never even making that urgent call. In New Delhi, India, a newly established free ambulance service came to the rescue to solve this growing problem. 

This is India’s Story of Gratitude for the Free Ambulance Service

As the world struggles to manage under the pressures of COVID-19, various community groups are becoming frontline support for those in need. In times as sad and trying as these, many COVID warriors are restoring our faith in humanity. In India’s capital, the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) has come forward to lend a helping hand amid the ongoing crisis, establishing a free ambulance service for COVID-19 patients.

With a telephone number spread across social media, the free service commenced on July 14. At first, twelve ambulances were placed across the city so that all citizens could be served when in need. The ambulances themselves were all brand new vehicles and fully equipped with the latest medical technology to ensure the safety of both the patients and the paramedics. Seeing the instant demand, the decision was taken to immediately make the service available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.

With the countries health care system being stretched to capacity by the virus and many hospitals overcrowded, the service then decided to expand and establish new medical centres to help. “These centres will provide the best medical care, oxygen and laboratory services to COVID-19 patients. The DSGMC has taken this initiative following the steep surge in the number of cases. If a patient becomes critical, they can be referred to COVID-19 hospitals under the Delhi government.” DSGMC president Manjinder Singh Sirsa said. The organisation takes care of all meals, drinking water, general medicines, oxygen, haematological and biochemistry laboratory services for the patients.

With the city at the epicentre of the pandemic in India, the organisation also set up accommodation for the more than 200 doctors who had arrived to assist. As the calls came into the central command centre each day, the organisation also began to hear from people in need of an ambulance for other medical issues like heart attacks and broken bones. Once again they sprang into action, a new phone number was established for those requiring non-COVID related emergency assistance and of course, the service is free.

Imagine the lesson we can learn from this incredible organisation and its heroic volunteers; that no human being in need of care should have to ever consider the cost of an Ambulance before making the call. In New Dehli, they are showing us how and this is India’s Story of Gratitude for the Free Ambulance Service. If you or anyone you know has used this service or knows a volunteer, please contact us here as the Share Gratitude community would like to thank those involved and look to support this initiative.

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