UK charity ‘Safe Ground’ are running workshops to help men in prison become better fathers. 

People are sent to prison to reform behaviour and make significant life changes, but it doesn’t always work out that way: in the UK, 75% of ex-inmates re-offend within nine years of release, and 39.3% within the first twelve months.  

‘Safe Ground’ aim to shift that trend by running a wide range of rehabilitation services to help prisoners adjust smoothly back to normal life upon release from prison, participants in the ‘Fathers Inside’ workshop are 40 per cent less likely to re-offend than the average. 

Men in prison
Image Source: Positive News 

This is the UK’s story of gratitude for Safe Ground for helping prisoners adapt and prepare for a better life outside of prison. 

Graduate of the ‘Fathers Inside’ program, Jon, reflects on the experience and the methods that the programs uses to dig deep into the inmates’ mentality around parenting. He says he spent time ‘speaking honestly about his relationships with his mother as a child, and the view of masculinity he had growing up. Opening up about this topic is one of the hardest things he has ever done.’ 

As a father of three, Jon decided during his sentence that he was ready to better himself, both for him and for the sake of his children. He says he ‘came to realise how much I have to change to have a positive impact on my life and those in it.’ The program used different methods of therapy including role-playing, photography and other creative workshops. 

Jon explained that the lessons he learned in ‘Fathers Inside’ have had a positive impact on his relationship with his children, explaining that ‘being honest with [daughter] Pearl has paid dividends, not just to our relationship but to hers with my mum and her brothers, too.’ 

Imagine if we all took the time to better ourselves for the people in our lives. This could take many forms such as actively participating in self-improvement workshops, learning a new skill, or even just prioritising our own health. Small steps to becoming a better you, means you can be the best version or yourself for the people in your life.  

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