Colleagues at St Mark’s came together to spread positivity amongst patients.

St Mark’s research fellows, Dr Anu Obaro, Miss Isabel Martin and Dr Oliver Duxbury were redeployed due to the Covid19 pandemic when they noticed that the patients were struggling with the isolation. As a solution, they developed the award-winning Stay.Connected video-calling initiative to bring patients together with the families, even when they were apart.  

This is the inpatients’ at St Marks Hospital, London’s story of gratitude for their research fellows for their incredible Stay.Connected initiative. 

During the height of the pandemic, families and visitors were unable to enter hospital wards which left inpatients feeling isolated and extremely lonely. Stay.Connected bridged this distance and became a lifeline for almost two hundred patients: changing their experience and mindset entirely.  

Anu, Isabel and Oliver told us about their experience of seeing Stay.Connected in action. “Being able to make hundreds of video calls at a time when our patients needed it the most was incredibly rewarding. Many Relatives has not spoken to their family members for weeks, and they believe the call gave their loved one strength to get better.” 

Share Gratitude have been working with St Marks Hospital to share incredible stories of great people doing great things. Read more stories from St Marks here in their Covid19 memory flipbook and be sure to donate to their Just Giving page to support their seasonal appeal.  

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