5 free online resources to boost your mood today

The internet is such a powerful tool, however, sometimes it can be also be a pretty negative place. There are plenty of friendly, helpful corners of the internet to benefit from though, so we’re here to guide you through and point you in the direction of some of the most positive places on the internet where you can go to boost your mood – today! 

  1. Share Gratitude  

Yep, we are proud to be one of those positive corners of the internet. Share gratitude was created with the intention of providing a place that is dedicated to actually saying those nice things we think about others. Instead of scrolling through the hit and miss of news or social feeds when you wake up… start scrolling through the countless messages of gratitude from around the world. And if there’s someone you’re grateful for, share your positive message and make a difference within your community.   

  1. Calm App 

Calm is the number 1 app for mindfulness and meditation, and better yet, it’s totally free! If you’re a beginner to the act of calming your mind, Calm is perfect for you: their guided meditations, sleep stories, and music that is specifically designed to help you focus, sleep or relax do all of the hard work for you, you just have to follow along and reap the rewards! 

  1. Beyond Blue 

If you’re suffering with your mental health, whether that be depression, anxiety or grief, Beyond Blue has a truck-load of resources to help you on the road to recovery. Their website is packed full of useful information on resources, diagnosis and treatments, and they have professionals available 24/7 via phone or instant chat if you just need someone to talk to. Never suffer alone – we all need someone to chat to at times.  

  1. Podcasts 

 Podcasts have become an increasingly popular means of entertainment in recent years and now, there’s a whole host of educational and self-help podcasts that exist to help you to grow and improve your life. A great example is ‘Happier by Gretchen Rubin’; a podcast which gives ideas and tips to make your life happier through sharing examples, simple hacks and get-to-know-yourself questions.  

  1. FaceTime/Zoom  

If you can stop associating Zoom with endless work meetings, video calling services can be a fantastic mood-boosting tool. Loneliness is directly linked to unhappiness and sometimes we just need to connect with the people we love. 2020 has made our social lives pretty much unrecognisable, but now is the perfect opportunity to use things like Zoom or FaceTime to call a friend or family member, see their friendly face and get that mood-boosting human interaction into your day.  

What are you grateful for? Say thank you the best way we know how, by sharing your message on sharegratitude.com